Spirit Blade Productions

Entertainment and Resources for Christian Geeks!

SPIRIT BLADE PRODUCTIONS exists to equip, encourage and inspire Christian Geeks to live in the freedom and purpose Christ offers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Out For A Bit

Hey Everyone!


Just wanted to let you know that I won't be posting regularly for the next two weeks. I'm heading out of town tomorrow, and although I'll be back on Sunday, I will be working for two solid weeks doing High School substitute teaching.


This is a great news because the district has been cutting back on their use of subs for the second half of this semester, and I was expecting to have no subbing work. The down side, of course, is that it will keep me busy enough that keeping up with the regular routine of posting for the Underground and Paeter's Brain will just be too much for me during that time. The podcast will continue, but will be a little shorter for just two weeks, since "In Search Of Truth" will be on hold.


However, I will still be checking my e-mail faithfully and responding as quickly as possible. And after these two weeks of subbing, I will be able to give my full attention to Spirit Blade Productions until September!


So please bear with me during this little break and things will be back on track before you know it!




-Paeter Frandsen

This web site contains audio content simulating intense violence that may not be suitable for children.

©2015 Paeter Frandsen. All rights reserved.